Hunger Games Final Analysis
1. In this lab, we simulated a real world population. For this species to survive, they have to eat and survive in order for their population to not go extinct. 2. The phenotypes that were in this population were the stumpys, knucklers, and pinchers. The phenotype that was the best at capturing food were the pinchers. They had the most precised way of picking up foods, while the other two struggled with the handling of foods. 3. The population did evolve. The "a" allele became more common than the "A" allele. During the first trial, they were almost equal, but eventually the "a" allele surpassed. The last trial shows that the gene frequency of the "a" allele was around 78%, making the "A" allele at 22%. 4. A factor that was random was the placement of food. Depending of the scatterness of the food, the different phenotypes could have had an advantage. An event that was not random was the time we had to collect the food. Every ph...