20-Time: Slippery Setback (Part 2)

My original plan for my 20-time project was to have an Earth day fair and inform students about environmental issues. Unfortunately, it was unrealistic to think that I could get a day, let alone a week, to educate my peers. I have two ideas to replace my project, but have been struggling to choose which one would be better.

The popular, Taiwanese-tea based drink goes by many names: boba tea, bubble tea, pearl milk tea. Whatever you call it, you are familiar with its contents, the little black balls of starch. Also, known as tapioca pearls, these chewy spheres are extracted from cassava roots, native to the north region of Brazil, and now spreading throughout South America. It is said tapioca pearls are “one of the purest forms of starch food”. A german study shows these pearls are linked to cancer. The cancer-causing chemicals are known as polychlorinated biphenyls or PCBs. The tests were held in Taiwan, where the toxic man-made chemicals are made. American producers for tapioca pearls have confirmed there are no traces of PCB, but it can still be found in Taiwan. There are so few traces that the Consumer Protection Committee couldn’t make a change. 

What if there were life-threatening chemicals in your everyday life? How would you find out? I would try to create a chemical testing substance, like a metal detector, that can detect the traces of whatever deadly toxin in your everyday food or product.

Water is a key component to life itself, but sometimes is lethal. Chemicals such as PBC’s or PFAS’s are found in public waters that 16 MILLION people drink. Some can say that you can buy a filter or a purification system but that’s not the case, nor the solution. It removes 92% to 99% of the beneficial calcium and magnesium. Lack of these essential minerals can lead to health problems and side effects. Essentially, the water is not ideal to consume. I think it would be revolutionary if I found a way to purify water but kept the mineral preserved.

I am most likely going to try to make the second option possible, but if not, then my last resort would be the chemical detector. Hopefully, my next step is to contact a water purification site or any programs with water purification background to find out why minerals are being sucked out of the water and how I can prevent that.

What I have learned so far is that I shouldn't be so discouraged just because I had a major setback. I can always think of a way to comeback stronger. This concept can be applied to anything, like a sport  or school work. Be persistent and never be discouraged.

:) Ok, thx baiii 


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