Microscopic Organism Lab

In this lab, we tried to identified the key features of autotrophs, heterotrophs, prokaryotes, eukaryotes and Protists. By recognizing the organisms in each cell, we came to the conclusion of the characteristics. We placed each cell slide in the microscope's stage and tested each power, from 40X to 400X. At the end of each examination, we took a photo that you see below. After, we wrote our observations of the specimen and determined if it was an eukaryote or prokaryote, and autotrophic or heterotrophic. The characteristics of the autotrophs were plants cells that made their own food. They contained chloroplast and other organelles that are found in plant cells. Next, characteristic in heterotrophs were animal cells and such. They depend on others to provide for their food/energy. Eukaryote characteristics are specimen that contain one or more nucleus. On the other hand, prokaryotes do not contain a nucleus. 
Animal Cell: Skeletal Muscle Tissue
Organelles identifies: Muscle Fibers and Nuclei
Unique about this cell: Contains a lot of nuclei
Observations: Looks like pieces of meat
Eukaryotic and Heterotrophic

Plant Cell: Spirogyra
Organelles identifies: Chloroplast, Cell Wall, and Cytoplasm
Unique about this cell: Can see the individual spirals in the cell
Observations: Looks like a pebbly, multicolored strands, others are a solid color 
Eukaryotic and Autotrophic
Organelles identifies: Chloroplast and Nucleus
Unique about this cell: Is neither a plant nor animal
Observations: In a big clump with others
Eukaryotic and Autotrophic and Heterotrophic
Organelles identifies: Nucleus, Cell Membrane, and Pseudopod
Unique about this cell: Uses its cytoskeleton and movement of cytoplasm to "walk"
Observations: Looks like a "K"
Eukaryotic and Heterotrophic
Bacteria Cells: General Shapes
Organelles identifies: Bacillus, Coccus, and Spirillum
Unique about this cell: Can be individual, clumped, or in chains
Observations: Looks scattered and messy
Prokaryotic and Heterotrophic 
Plant Cell: Ligustrum
Organelles identifies: Chloroplast, Upper Epidermis Cell, and Veins 
Unique about this cell: Contains 50 different species 
Observations: The colors are similar to a watermelon, lots of small, individual pores
Prokaryotic and Autotrophic

Cyanobacteria: Blue green Algae
Organelles identifies: One Single Cell
Unique about this cell: There isn't any pigment of green
Observations: Very defined circular objects
Prokaryotic and Autotrophic


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